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Dog Friendly Pumpkin Picking, Brecon

Dog Friendly Pumpkin Picking, Brecon
Dogs.  Our forever friends.  And quite often, surrogate kids for those whose babies have moved on to their own families :-(
We love to do everything with them, and seek out places that give experiences for our pooches as much as for our children :-)
So, one of our most asked questions is: are dogs allowed at your pumpkin patch?
Are dogs allowed at your pumpkin patch, near Brecon
We quite regularly find that dogs are better behaved than children :-D
So, as long as your dog is well behaved, they're very welcome to pick their own pumpkins at our Brecon pumpkin patch!
Can dogs be off their leads at the pumpkin patch, by Brecon
Because our pumpkin patch (based outside Brecon) is on a smallholding, we do have animals of our own.  Sheep, turkeys, chickens, cats as well as our own dogs, and the temptation for dogs that haven't grown up being used to that variety of animals is too great.  For this reason, we ask that ALL dogs are kept on their leads, from the moment they arrive at our pumpkin patch, to the moment they are ready to go home.
Is there an exercise area for my dog at your pumpkin patch, near Brecon
Although we have a field, we don't allow people to walk around it at the moment, just because we don't feel it's quite safe enough (there's too many holes and ditches!).  So for now, I'm afraid we don't have an exercise area.  We do have a list of our favourite walks however, and this article here gives 3 of our favourites that are really close by to walk your dogs.  And, the best bit is, you'll get the most amazing views too.
Got a question about your pooch visiting our Brecon pumpkin patch, but it's not answered here?  Just drop us a line, or give us a call, and we will update this article for others visiting us too.
We love to have dogs visiting us on our pumpkin patch, and we especially love it when you share your pictures with us :-) 
So, give us a follow on social media, and keep an eye out on our pages for our competitions - where you can win prizes for sharing your pictures of your visit with us!
To find out more about our pick your own pumpkins patch, read here
Annabelle x

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  • Annabelle Summerfield
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